Introducing Extra-Ordinary Leadership: Adding Something Extra To The Ordinary
By Dolly Waddell
Extra-Ordinary Leaders is part of a wider mission to equip leaders with the tools they need to achieve extra-ordinary leadership in the 21st Century
– a big challenge I know!
To help me on this mission I am speaking with founders, co-founders, senior leaders, managing directors, and leadership consultants.
Together, we’ll build a toolkit of valuable, practical advice that you can apply to your leadership approach.
Listen to the latest episode
Extra-Ordinary Leaders with Dolly Waddell is available wherever you get your podcasts.
The reason behind Extra-Ordinary Leaders
We all share in our ordinariness. We all have the same basic needs: food, water, finances, health, connection and purpose, to name a few. To acquire those basic needs we adopt habits, routines, and rituals – all of which become rather ordinary over time.
When I talk about “extra-ordinary”, I mean something extra we can add to our ordinary. Something that makes the outcomes of life special, standout, or unique – particularly within the context of our leadership approach.
These extra components are things that may seem perfectly normal and “ordinary” to the people who practise them, and are therefore often overlooked when people talk about leadership.
It’s these seemingly ordinary things practised by extra-ordinary leaders that this show aims to uncover.
Explore The Blogs
These blogs aim to give you my favourite moments from each episode, and round up the most valuable lessons into some practical steps you can take with you.
“I would like to think that what makes good leadership is a human topic, not a technological advancement topic.
It's how you inspire, how you motivate, and how you engage people.
That's probably as true a thousand years ago as it is now. What's changed are the tools that we have to apply that leadership.”
Taken from Episode 1 of The Extra-Ordinary Leaders Podcast: The Simple Mindset Shift That Can Unlock Extraordinary Leadership with Chris Atkinson