Firstly, what does Communicate really mean and is it different to Communication?


1. Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.

2. Pass on (an infectious disease) to another person or animal.


1. The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

2. Means of sending or receiving information, such as phone lines or computers.

How do you share information, news or ideas at work? Do you communicate ideas & concepts as effectively as an infectious disease (I know this has a negative connotation but imagine being as contagious as possible for good.) Do you share information or force information? Do you exchange information, meaning do you communicate by LISTENING well to someone else’s information?

There are 5 types of Communication to consider:

1. Verbal Communication - When we engage in speaking with others.

2. Non-Verbal Communication - What we do while we speak often says more than the actual words, our body language for instance.

3. Written Communication - Whether it is an email, a memo, a report, a Facebook post, a Tweet, a contract, etc.

4. Listening - Active listening, becoming aware of what other people need/want. This could be your customer or your team.

5. Visual Communication – On Social media, your website, what are your visuals communicating to others?

When I’m asked to help with Communication in teams, I’m struck by how little people know about it. 

Communication can’t be about tips and tools alone. It has to be based in a deeper place if we want to be truly great communicators. For example, if we work with someone who we don’t like or get offended by, our non-verbal communication will betray us. They will pick up on our judgement. Another example, if we are trying to listen to someone but are deep down thinking, “this is a rubbish idea, I’m going to tune out” that person will spot that a mile off. They won’t engage with you properly, and will more than likely give you a sub-standard pitch of their idea as you have knocked their confidence. In essence, your talent won’t perform & you will be wasting money on their salary by not enabling them to be their best.

So what can be done?

Here are my 5 suggestions to help.

1. Get self-aware.

How do you communicate? Are you confident or scared when sharing an idea with your team? If you’re scared, chances are you won’t sell yourself well because your non-verbal cues will be “this is probably a lesser idea, don’t put your confidence in me”. On the flip side, if you're highly confident when sharing with your team, chances are people may feel bulldozed by you.

Your first step should be taking part in a personality test, to get savvy with your EQ.

A great one is the 5 Voices, found at the link below ➡️


 2. How clear are you verbally?

If you have a presentation looming or a conversation where you want to be clear and focused, stick to 3 main points and rehearse them. Practise them by recording yourself on your phone and play it back. This is great for asking for a promotion, a change in your role or getting time off.

3. Is your communication message consistent across the board?

Is what you’re saying congruent with your body language? All too often I have spoken words that sound patient and considered when deep down my body has felt wired, frustrated and impatient. 

This is where a deeper work comes than just “learning” to communicate a message verbally. If we want buy-in, we need to stand tall, be centred, breathe slowly. On Instagram inspiring people have lost me as a follower because what they say and how they say it is not congruent. You can’t have a lifestyle expert talking on this subject whilst trying to deal with breathing too quickly and looking anxious. Be congruent.

4. What communication style is needed in the moment?

Is the person talking to you needing detailed information, contagious passion, encouragement or are they in need of really being heard? If it’s the latter, spend 20 minutes saying very little whilst absorbing their communication cues, body language, tone and word choice. You will convey great communication which translates into stronger trust & better working dynamics.

5. How & when to get on with the main point.

As humans, the ability to connect with the person in front of us always goes a long way to help build trust and is a key component for working effectively with someone. 

Often people are quick to get on with the main point of the communication without spending some time to check in, such as a simple “how are you…what are you doing this weekend?”. 

For others, they spend too long asking friendly questions and delay asking the key questions such as “Can I see your proposal…what did you want to speak to me about?”.

Finding a balance between the two is key. Be aware of how much time you have to allow connection first and then the crux of the exchange to have its time.

To learn more about how I can help you or your team become great at communicating, email me at


